Sledite naše inovacije in tehnološke rešitve
Pravilna uporaba kita
Prvo napako pri uporabi kita lahko naredimo že takoj po odprtju posode, ko na površini kita zagledamo tekočino.
Masking the vehicle (EN)
Applying paper and tape to a vehicle to protect it from overspray may seem basic, but a poor masking job can adversely affect the quality of the paint job and increase the need for rework.
Saves 50% of the time. (EN)
With direct-to-plastic you can save up to 50% of the time needed for plastic part repair.
What is a SMART REPAIR? (EN)
A “SMART REPAIR” is a very common expression in the automotive sector. What is it about?
Meet Rachel, our brand ambassador (EN)
Rachel shows passion in what she is doing and is a great example for new technicians entering the industry.
Kako obnoviti vaše žaromete
Set je uporaben za obnovo vseh vrst žarometov ali kot odlična zaščita žarometov na novih vozilih, s čimer se podaljša življenjska doba žarometa.
As travel options such as flying and public transportation are becoming limited, people are even more dependent on their vehicles for work and to take care of their daily lives. Here are 5 precautions to take in your auto body repair shop to prevent spreading of the virus.
Čeprav poraba premazov za nove avtomobile že 2 leti pada, je poraba avtoličarskih materialov zadnja leta v porastu.
Business cup 2020
Preteklo soboto se je dogajalo, namreč se je naša ekipa udeležila turnirja "Poslovne lige" v malem nogometu in med močno konkurenco iz cele Slovenije (14 ekip) z dvema zmagama od štirih osvojila 5-8. mesto.
Vzdrževanje ličarske komore
Nepravilno vzdrževanje komore lahko pripomore k nepotrebnim in dragim zastojem, nevarnim delovnim pogojem in zvišanju stroškov za posamezno ličarsko popravilo. Slabo vzdrževana komora prav tako ne bo pripomogla k doseganju dobrih rezultatov, kar bo imelo za posledico nezadovoljne stranke, podaljšan cikel popravila in znižanje kvalitete barvanih avtomobilov.
5 nasvetov za zaščito avtomobilske barve jeseni
Jesen je tu. Deževje, suho listje in veter pa ne ogrozijo samo stanja cest in voznih razmer, pač pa moramo poskrbeti tudi za svoje avtomobile, predvsem karoserijo.
Uporaba ustreznega trdilca in redčila
Se vam kdaj pri delu zgodi, da rezultat ni takšen kot je bilo obljubljeno? Se vam zdi, da rezultat ni enak kot včeraj?
Pomembnost mešalnega razmerja v dvokomponentnih sistemih
Ne glede na to ali gre za brizgalno polnilo, prozorni lak ali kateri koli drug dvokomponentni sistem, je potrebno pri pripravi materiala vselej dosledno upoštevati predpisana mešalna razmerja.
Masking the vehicle (EN)
Applying paper and tape to a vehicle to protect it from overspray may seem basic, but a poor masking job can adversely affect the quality of the paint job and increase the need for rework.
The masking products are applied to the vehicle to protect areas from the paint that will be applied. The area to be painted should never be contacted or overlapped by the tape or paper as this will lead to edge lifting of the new coat of paint. A painter must always use good judgment when masking because a poor job in masking the vehicle will lead to a poor-quality finish.
- Always mask the driver's door separately so that it can be opened if the vehicle must be moved.
- Mask with unmasking in mind. If you mask in such a way that unmasking is like unraveling a thread, you’ll not only save time unmasking but also because there won’t be a thousand pieces of tape and paper on the floor to pick up.
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